BIO HAZARD cleaning services


We are a professional service provider of a full range of Bio Hazard services.

We provide cleaning at incident scenes and provide specialist bio hazard cleaning services to public and private clients across the UK.

​What we do:

☑️ Mould and damp property cleaning

☑️ Human body fluid and excrement removal

☑️ Handle any drug related materials

☑️ Infestation elimination

☑️ Animal excrement removal

☑️ Fire or flood damage clean up

☑️ Hospital, infection control cleaning

☑️ Full house cleans: derelict properties – clearance and full decontamination



Why Hygiene Pro Clean

☑️ Fully trained staff to deal with the control of any Bio Hazard

☑️ Cost effective

☑️ Fully-equipped vehicles, ready to undertake any type of clean

☑️ Depth of experience with public and private sector clients, insurance companies, landlords, private residents, emergency services

☑️ Risk assessments completed for you

☑️ All jobs are quoted for prior to work commencing

☑️ Competitive prices

☑️ Unique delivery system that leaves no odour and provides long lasting protection against unwanted bacteria and viruses