Class 43 High Speed Train Export Clean Case Study

Hygiene Pro Clean has returned the interiors of the iconic InterCity 125, Class 43 High Speed Train (HST), to a pristine condition, removing years of dirt, grime, mould and odours so that the train units were ready for shipping to a new customer in Mexico


Hygiene Pro Clean (HPC) was appointed by Romic Consulting and Rail Engineering Services (RES) to carry out a complete hygienic deep clean of passenger trains at the end of their UK rail contracts.


Using the HPC award-winning Effective Decontamination process meant these historic trains were disinfected, decontaminated and hygienically cleaned, eliminating all the effects of storage and age, and helping to restore them to their former glory. The vehicles were treated on-site by a specialist HPC team and delivered free of all contaminates and odours and ready for a new generation of passengers.


Hygiene Pro Clean are experts in all aspects of passenger rolling stock decontamination, preservation and periodic deep cleaning. Our activities go beyond everyday cleaning to deliver a highly specialist service for train operators and rolling stock leasing companies.


As specialists in effective decontamination, we understand the importance of addressing moisture-related issues promptly to prevent the growth of mould and safeguard valuable capital assets. 


HPC specialises in hygienic cleaning and asset protection for all types of transportation assets including buses, lorries, taxis, trams and trains.
For more information, get in touch!

Myles Pemberton