Rapid Decontamination System

Hygiene Pro Clean offer a complete, decontamination service even the most challenging environments for several industries and sectors, including the NHS. As COVID-19 cases are back on the rise (Office of National Statistics, April 2022) it is becoming increasingly important to eliminate the risk of spread, Hygiene Pro Clean’s rapid decontamination system, which is trusted by the NHS, can be deployed quickly in under 8 hours anywhere across the UK.  

As a nationwide and international decontamination service provider, Hygiene Pro Clean is trusted by many to provide effective decontamination. Amongst those is the Welsh Ambulance Trust who awarded Hygiene Pro Clean (HPC) with funding after they successfully passed a specialist decontamination trial to reduce ambulance cleaning times.

The aim of the trial was to reduce the time taken to sanitise ambulances between patients. During the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic, decontamination of ambulances was taking a long time after transporting suspected Covid-19 cases; with the HPC decontamination package and training, the Ambulance crews were able to get that time down by 25 minutes.  

The complete decontamination products and services provided by HPC are effective against common viruses such as Norovirus and Influenza as well as Covid-19. In addition, other viral and bacterial threats, including mould, can be completely illuminated in just one application.  

The delivery system, an Ultra Sonic Atomiser, was designed by HPC who worked closely with Salford University. All HPC delivery methods are verified, validated, tested, and certified. They are EPA registered and HPC is an industry member of The Institute of Decontamination Sciences, The Green Clean Institute and ATCC amongst others.  

HPC clients and trusted partners include Arriva, Babcock, Biffa, West Mercia Police and Transport for London. Hygiene Pro Clean offer clients a full turnkey service; from providing mould remediation in homes, embedding HPC systems and processes within organisations, to supporting organisations with training, HPC work to provide quick and effective decontamination nationwide.  

If your workplace help prevent the spread of COVID-19, then it is you will be putting employees, co-workers, and customers at serious risk but also, if your staff have caught COVID-19, then you will be limited as to what services or products you can deliver. COVID-19 decontamination and surface cleaning are critical for prevention of illness, loss of business and worse.  


To learn more about our decontamination service, book a demo or get a quote please call us on 0800 0248090


Myles Pemberton